Message From The President
Be a Responsive and Reliable Company!
We started our business in 1972 as an agrochemical (pesticides) sales company supplied by DuPont in the USA for protecting crops, turf and green areas. All our associates have been pursuing our business with our management philosophy, Management rooted in four “KOKOROZASHI” spirits in mind. With this philosophy, we contribute to community development and customer prosperity. We seek the self-fulfillment of our associates, who are also our shareholders, and the cultivation of human resources.
Thanks to a strong trusting relationship with our customers, our business has been expanding satisfactorily.
In addition, we have focused on research and development with increased human resources to provide solutions for customer issues. We are confident that our research and development work will create valuable new products, which will provide great contributions in our business fields.
Japan is now facing major changes in globalization, food security, environmental conservation and sustainable community. We will work to accept such changes to strengthen our business competitiveness and grow with the community.
We would appreciate your continued cooperation and support.
Kentaro Koshio, President
R&D Division
The R&D Division is responsible for tasks from product development to pesticide registration.
Development Section: Develops new products, performs internal evaluation tests, performs official tests for registering
pesticides and provides technical support to sales departments.
Agrochemical Product & Analytical Section:
Develops agrochemical products and analyzes including quality control.
Regulatory & Registration Affairs Section:
Applies for registration of pesticides and controls their registration status, and prepares and controls SDS.
Facilities Administration Section:
Site area: 13,000m2
Main facilities:
Research building, 10 greenhouses and turf for testing (bentgrass and Zoysia matrella) .
External farm fields:
Upland field, 30,000m2
Japan Guide Dog Association
Hattatsu Wanpaku kai
In order to achieve contributions to our communities, we take part in CSR activities which include the donations for Japan Guide Dog Association, Hattatsu Wanpaku kai, etc.